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Black Rose Nollywood Movie: A Thrilling Journey from Rags to Riches and Back Again

Download Black Rose Nollywood Movie: A Review

If you are looking for a captivating and inspiring Nollywood movie to watch, you might want to check out Black Rose. This movie, released in 2018, tells the story of a poor family struggling to survive in a harsh environment, and how one of their daughters falls in love with a wealthy man who changes her life. In this article, we will review Black Rose and tell you how you can download it legally and safely.

Plot summary

Black Rose is a drama film produced and directed by Okechukwu Oku. It stars Blossom Chukwujekwu, Ebele Okaro, Lilian Echelon, Betty Bellor, and Jide Kene Achufusi. The film follows the life of Mama Nonso (Ebele Okaro), a widowed mother of four children who works as a cook for people in her neighborhood. Her eldest daughter, Ugo (Betty Bellor), is a prostitute who claims to be doing it for the sake of her family. Her second daughter, Rose (Lilian Echelon), is a caring and responsible girl who helps her mother with her business. Her two sons, Obi and Igbo, are still in school.

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One day, when Rose is delivering food to a mechanic shop, she meets Desmond (Blossom Chukwujekwu), a rich and handsome man who drives a big car. He is impressed by her beauty and innocence, and offers to pay for the food she dropped by accident. He also gives her a job to bring food to his house regularly. Soon, they develop feelings for each other, and Desmond asks Rose to be his girlfriend. He showers her with gifts and money, which she uses to improve her family's condition. However, not everyone is happy with their relationship. Mama Nonso disapproves of Desmond, thinking that he is using her daughter for sex. Ugo is jealous of Rose's success, and tries to sabotage her happiness. Nelo (Jide Kene Achufusi), an employee of the mechanic shop who has a crush on Rose, warns her about Desmond's true intentions. And Desmond himself has a dark secret that could ruin everything.

Themes and messages

Black Rose explores various themes and messages that are relevant to the Nigerian society. Some of these themes are:

  • Poverty and inequality: The film shows the harsh realities of living in poverty, and how it affects people's choices and opportunities. It also contrasts the lives of the rich and the poor, and how they interact with each other.

  • Family and love : The film portrays the importance of family and love, and how they can overcome challenges and difficulties. It also shows the different types of love, such as maternal love, romantic love, and brotherly love.

  • Self-esteem and empowerment: The film depicts the journey of Rose from a timid and insecure girl to a confident and empowered woman. It also shows how Desmond helps her to discover her self-worth and potential.

  • Deception and betrayal: The film reveals the dangers of deception and betrayal, and how they can destroy trust and relationships. It also shows how some people can use others for their own selfish gains, and how some people can hide their true identities and motives.

Black Rose is a movie that will make you laugh, cry, and think. It is a movie that will inspire you to pursue your dreams, and to appreciate the people who love you. It is a movie that will teach you valuable lessons about life, love, and humanity.

Production and reception

Black Rose was produced by Okechukwu Oku, who is also the director, cinematographer, and editor of the film. He is a renowned Nollywood filmmaker who has won several awards for his works, such as The Boss Is Mine, The Last Burial, The Kingdom, and The Book of Magic. He is known for his creative and innovative style of storytelling, as well as his use of high-quality equipment and techniques.

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The film was shot in Enugu, Nigeria, with a budget of about 20 million naira (about $50,000). It was released in cinemas across Nigeria on August 31, 2018. It was also screened at various international film festivals, such as the Nollywood Week Paris Film Festival, the African Film Festival Dallas, the Silicon Valley African Film Festival, and the African Film Festival New Zealand.

The film received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike. It was praised for its captivating plot, realistic characters, excellent performances, beautiful cinematography, and powerful messages. It was also commended for its originality and creativity, as well as its social relevance. Some of the accolades that the film received include:

  • Best Director at the Golden Movie Awards Africa 2019

  • Best Indigenous Language Movie or TV Series (Igbo) at the Africa Magic Viewers' Choice Awards 2020

  • Best Feature Film at the African Film Festival New Zealand 2020

  • Best Actress in a Leading Role (Lilian Echelon) at the Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival 2020

  • Best Cinematography at the Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival 2020

How to Download Black Rose Nollywood Movie

If you are interested in watching Black Rose, you might be wondering how you can download it to your device. There are many websites that claim to offer free downloads of Nollywood movies, but not all of them are legal or safe. Some of them might contain viruses or malware that can harm your device or steal your personal information. Some of them might also violate the intellectual property rights of the filmmakers and actors.

To avoid these risks, you should only download Black Rose from reputable and authorized sources. Here are some of the legal and safe ways to download Black Rose:


iROKOtv is one of the most popular online platforms for Nollywood movies. It has a huge collection of movies and TV shows that you can stream or download to your device. You can access iROKOtv through its website or its mobile app. To download Black Rose, you need to sign up for an account and subscribe to a plan that suits your budget and preference. You can choose from monthly, quarterly, or yearly plans that range from $5 to $25. Once you have subscribed, you can download Black Rose to your device and watch it offline anytime you want.

NFlix TV

NFlix TV is another online platform that offers Nollywood movies and TV shows. It has a wide variety of genres and categories that you can browse or search. You can access NFlix TV through its website or its mobile app. To download Black Rose, you need to register for an account and pay a one-time fee of $3.99. This will give you unlimited access to all the movies and TV shows on the platform. You can then download Black Rose to your device and enjoy it offline.


YouTube is the most popular video-sharing platform in the world. It has millions of videos that you can watch for free or for a fee. You can also find many Nollywood movies on YouTube, including Black Rose. However, not all of them are uploaded by the official channels of the filmmakers or distributors. Some of them might be pirated or low-quality versions that violate the copyright laws. To avoid this, you should only download Black Rose from the verified channel of Okechukwu Oku, which is . To download Black Rose, you need to purchase it for $2.99. You can then watch it online or offline on your device.

Benefits of downloading Black Rose Nollywood Movie

Downloading Black Rose has many benefits that you can enjoy. Some of these benefits are:

  • You can watch it anytime and anywhere: By downloading Black Rose, you can watch it at your own convenience and comfort. You don't have to worry about internet connection, buffering, or ads. You can also watch it on any device that supports video playback, such as your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or TV.

  • You can save money and data: By downloading Black Rose, you can save money and data that you would otherwise spend on streaming or renting it. You only have to pay once for the download, and then you can watch it as many times as you want. You also don't have to use your data to stream it every time you want to watch it.

  • You can support the Nollywood industry: By downloading Black Rose, you can support the Nollywood industry and the people who worked hard to make it. You can show your appreciation and respect for their talent and creativity. You can also help them to earn more revenue and recognition, which will enable them to produce more quality movies in the future.

Tips and tricks for downloading Black Rose Nollywood Movie

To make your downloading experience easier and smoother, here are some tips and tricks that you can follow:

  • Choose a reliable and secure source: As mentioned earlier, not all websites that offer downloads of Nollywood movies are legal or safe. Some of them might contain viruses or malware that can harm your device or steal your personal information. Some of them might also violate the intellectual property rights of the filmmakers and actors. To avoid these risks, you should only download Black Rose from reputable and authorized sources, such as iROKOtv, NFlix TV, or YouTube.

  • Check the file size and format: Before downloading Black Rose, you should check the file size and format of the movie. The file size will determine how much space it will take on your device and how long it will take to download. The file format will determine how compatible it is with your device and how good the quality is. Generally, you should look for a file size that is not too large or too small, and a file format that is widely supported and high-quality, such as MP4 or MKV.

  • Use a fast and stable internet connection: To download Black Rose, you need a fast and stable internet connection that can handle large files and high speeds. You should avoid using public Wi-Fi networks that might be slow or insecure. You should also avoid downloading other files or apps at the same time that might slow down your connection or interfere with your download.

  • Use a download manager or accelerator: To download Black Rose, you can use a download manager or accelerator that can help you to manage and speed up your downloads. A download manager or accelerator is a software or app that can split your download into multiple parts, resume your download if it is interrupted, schedule your download for a later time, and optimize your bandwidth usage. Some examples of download managers or accelerators are IDM (Internet Download Manager), FDM (Free Download Manager), uTorrent, BitTorrent, etc.

  • Scan your download for viruses or malware: After downloading Black Rose, you should scan your download for viruses or malware that might have infected your file during the download process. You can use a reliable antivirus or anti-malware software or app to scan your download and remove any threats that might harm your device or compromise your security. Some examples of antivirus or anti-malware software or apps are Avast, AVG, Kaspersky, Malwarebytes, etc.

Alternatives to Downloading Black Rose Nollywood Movie

If you don't want to download Black Rose, or if you encounter any problems or issues with downloading it, you can still watch it through other means. Here are some of the alternatives to downloading Black Rose:

Streaming platforms

Streaming platforms are online services that allow you to watch movies and TV shows on demand. You can access them through their websites or their mobile apps. You can stream Black Rose on any device that has an internet connection and a web browser or a compatible app. Some of the streaming platforms that offer Black Rose are:

  • Netflix: Netflix is the world's leading streaming platform, with over 200 million subscribers worldwide. It has a vast library of movies and TV shows from different genres and countries, including Nollywood. You can stream Black Rose on Netflix with a subscription plan that ranges from $8.99 to $17.99 per month, depending on the number of screens and the quality of the video. You can also download Black Rose on Netflix for offline viewing, but only on certain devices and within a limited time.

  • Showmax: Showmax is a streaming platform that focuses on African content, especially Nollywood. It has over 10,000 hours of movies and TV shows from Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, and other African countries. You can stream Black Rose on Showmax with a subscription plan that costs $6.99 per month. You can also download Black Rose on Showmax for offline viewing, but only on certain devices and within a limited time.

  • iBakaTV: iBakaTV is a streaming platform that specializes in Nollywood movies and TV shows. It has over 15,000 hours of content from various genres and categories, such as comedy, drama, romance, action, thriller, etc. You can stream Black Rose on iBakaTV with a subscription plan that costs $7 per month or $70 per year. You can also download Black Rose on iBakaTV for offline viewing, but only on certain devices and within a limited time.

DVD and Blu-ray options

DVD and Blu-ray options are physical media that allow you to watch movies and TV shows on your DVD or Blu-ray player. You can buy or rent them from online or offline stores that sell or rent them. You can watch Black Rose on DVD or Blu-ray on any device that has a DVD or Blu-ray player and a screen. Some of the online or offline stores that sell or rent Black Rose on DVD or Blu-ray are:

  • Amazon: Amazon is the world's largest online retailer, with millions of products from different categories and countries. It also sells and rents movies and TV shows on DVD and Blu-ray, including Nollywood. You can buy Black Rose on DVD or Blu-ray from Amazon for $9.99 or $14.99 respectively. You can also rent Black Rose on DVD or Blu-ray from Amazon for $2.99 or $3.99 respectively.

  • eBay: eBay is an online marketplace that connects buyers and sellers of various products from different categories and countries. It also sells and rents movies and TV shows on DVD and Blu-ray, including Nollywood. You can buy Black Rose on DVD or Blu-ray from eBay for prices that vary depending on the seller and the condition of the product. You can also rent Black Rose on DVD or Blu-ray from eBay for prices that vary depending on the seller and the duration of the rental.

  • NaijaDVDs: NaijaDVDs is an online store that specializes in selling and renting Nollywood movies and TV shows on DVD and Blu-ray. It has a large collection of titles from various genres and categories, such as comedy, drama, romance, action, thriller, etc. You can buy Black Rose on DVD or Blu-ray from NaijaDVDs for $10 or $15 respectively . You can also rent Black Rose on DVD or Blu-ray from NaijaDVDs for $3 or $5 respectively.

Other similar Nollywood movies that you might enjoy

If you liked Black Rose, you might also enjoy other similar Nollywood movies that have the same or similar genre, theme, or style. Here are some of the other Nollywood movies that you might enjoy:

  • The Wedding Party: This is a romantic comedy film that follows the events and drama that unfold during a lavish wedding in Lagos. It stars Banky W, Adesua Etomi, Richard Mofe-Damijo, Sola Sobowale, Ireti Doyle, and others. It was released in 2016 and became the highest-grossing Nollywood film of all time.

  • Lionheart: This is a comedy-drama film that tells the story of a young woman who takes over her father's company after he falls ill. She faces various challenges and obstacles from her family, rivals, and society. It stars Genevieve Nnaji, Nkem Owoh, Pete Edochie, Onyeka Onwenu, and others. It was released in 2018 and became the first Netflix original film from Nigeria.

  • Oloture: This is a crime-drama film that exposes the dark and dangerous world of human trafficking and prostitution in Nigeria. It follows the undercover investigation of a journalist who infiltrates a prostitution ring. It stars Sharon Ooja, Omoni Oboli, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Beverly Osu, and others. It was released in 2019 and became one of the most watched Netflix films from Nigeria.


In conclusion, Black Rose is a captivating and inspiring Nollywood movie that you should watch. It has a captivating plot, realistic characters, excellent performances, beautiful cinematography, and powerful messages. It also has various awards and accolades to its name. You can download Black Rose legally and safely from reputable and authorized sources, such as iROKOtv, NFlix TV, or YouTube. You can also watch Black Rose through other means, such as streaming platforms, DVD and Blu-ray options, or other similar Nollywood movies. We hope that this article has helped you to learn more about Black Rose and how to download it. We also hope that you will enjoy watching it as much as we did.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Black Rose:

  • Is Black Rose Nollywood Movie based on a true story?

No, Black Rose is not based on a true story. It is a fictional story created by Okechukwu Oku and his team of writers.

  • How long is Black Rose Nollywood Movie?

Black Rose is 1 hour and 40 minutes long.

  • What is the rating of Black Rose Nollywood Movie?

Black Rose has a rating of 15+ on iROKOtv and NFlix TV, and a rating of PG-13 on YouTube. This means that it contains some scenes of violence, sex, nudity, language, or drug use that may not be suitable for children under 15 or 13 years old.

  • Where can I find more information about Black Rose Nollywood Movie?

You can find more information about Black Rose on its official website, its IMDb page, its Wikipedia page, or its social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

  • What are some of the best Nollywood movies of all time?

This is a subjective question that depends on your personal taste and preference. However, some of the Nollywood movies that are widely considered to be among the best of all time are:

  • Living in Bondage: This is a thriller film that launched the Nollywood industry in 1992. It tells the story of a man who joins a cult to become rich, but pays a terrible price for it.

  • The Figurine: This is a supernatural thriller film that won several awards in 2009. It tells the story of two friends who find a mysterious figurine that grants them seven years of good luck, but also unleashes a curse upon them.

  • Half of a Yellow Sun: This is a historical drama film that was adapted from the novel by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie in 2013. It tells the story of four people whose lives are affected by the Nigerian Civil War.

  • King of Boys: This is a crime drama film that was a box office hit in 2018. It tells the story of a powerful woman who is involved in politics and crime, and how she faces her enemies and rivals.

  • The Wedding Party 2: This is a romantic comedy film that was a sequel to the first film in 2017. It tells the story of a Nigerian couple who plan to have a destination wedding in Dubai, but encounter various challenges and complications.

These are just some of the examples of the best Nollywood movies of all time. There are many more that you can discover and enjoy. 44f88ac181

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